Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Hey everyone,

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 I am not entirely sure there is an everyone to address to be honest, anyway, I'm back and blogging. I haven't been writing, posting or couponing lately.  I can't say I have been busy or saving a ton of money consistently or at all, actually.  Which honestly speaks to why I haven't posted; I don't think anyone really needs me to explain how I wasted my entire paycheck on Victoria Secret leggings, fast food and candy subscription boxes.  Which may or may not have happened but it sounds accurate so I'm going with it.
So here is what is the same about my life.
  1. I am still single.
    1. Not for a lack of trying by the way, I have attempted over the last few years to shed my single girl status to no avail.  That is also what happens when your whole dating life happens on Tinder.  At this point I think it is better that I am and remain single for a bit, I need to work on some stuff and stop trying to get saved.
  2. I still have no children
    1. Tinder didn't get me that badly, I like to tell people that I have cats not kids.  I don't know if i am opposed to ever having children but I am not really making a plan for them.  I feel like it is better that I focus on what is in front of me and kids aren't there.
  3. I still feel like it is important to live my best life while not spending all of the money.
    1. While I have not been using any savings skills to build wealth or saving, I still firmly believe in having a nice life with out paying full price for it.
In any case, over the last year and a half if anything I have managed to find myself further in debt than I was when I started writing my blogs and posting to a Facebook page.  Before you judge me, the the excess debt is not my fault.   Well okay, not exactly all of it is my fault if you think about it hard enough.  Let me explain.  
  • First and foremost the part that's not my fault, because it makes me feel better about my life and where it is now.  About a year ago I got sick, I woke up dizzy and that dizziness resulted in medical bills, and months of missed work following a cranial decompression surgery $$$$
  • The part that is my fault was not having savings and not being financially stable before this horribly unforeseen circumstance ANNNND  more importantly getting all of my unpaid bills, medical and other (give me a break I'm being honest-ish) in the mail then looking at them and going "Nope, not today Seton".  
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Things unfortunately need to change because I my friends am turning 30... on Monday.  As an almost 30 year old with no prospects I need to get it together!  I have made the mistake of waiting, for years, on a husband to come along so that I can start my life, build my savings and be successful.   My mom told me when I was a little girl there is no prince coming to save you, and as I have gotten older I have found that she was absolutely correct.  Since the New Year I have decided to be better with all aspects of my finances, not just using coupons but learning to budget and set financial goals.  I am learning what investing means and the best ways to go about it for a woman my age (whatever that means).  I am working on my credit score now that I know how and as I learn as I change I want to share with others.  I see people on youtube who are telling you how to save money but their lives don't resemble mine.  I hope that you can learn from my mistakes and successes and above all else I hope that I give you the courage to take control of your money.
Thank you for reading and comment below Do you think i should make Youtube posts?